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About the WWDA community

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On this page we talk about:

  • us – Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA)
  • our community.

Who we are

WWDA is an organisation that supports:

  • women and girls with disability
  • people with disability who are

    A gender diverse person is someone:

    • who feels like they do not fit the idea of being a man or a woman
    • whose gender given to them when they were born does not match the gender they are.

We are a Disabled People’s Organisation.

Women and gender diverse people with disability run our organisation.

We are also a National Women’s Alliance (NWA).

NWAs work to:

  • speak up for women
  • understand the experiences of women.

We work with organisations in:

  • Australia
  • other countries.

We represent more than 2 million people in Australia.

The WWDA community is for all:

  • women and girls with disability
  • gender diverse people with disability.

We want everyone in our community to feel that they belong.

What we do

We speak up for

Rights are rules about how people must treat you:

  • fairly
  • equally.

We speak up for the rights of:

  • women and girls with disability
  • gender diverse people with disability.

This includes the right to take part in:

  • your community
  • politics
  • working and earning money
  • your

    Your culture is:

    • your way of life
    • how you think or act now because of how you grew up
    • your beliefs
    • what is important to you.

We help women, girls and gender diverse people with disability understand their rights.

We also help governments and organisations to understand:

  • the rights of women, girls and gender diverse people with disability
  • what they need to do to support what everyone needs.

We make sure women, girls and gender diverse people with disability have a say:

  • about everything we do
  • in all areas of our work
  • when we plan something new.

You can find out more about the history of WWDA on the WWDA website.

Our goals

We want to support women, girls and gender diverse people with disability to take part in all areas of life.

We want to speak up about issues that are important to women, girls and gender diverse people with disability.

This includes in:

  • Australia
  • other countries.

We want to be the main organisation in Australia that represents:

  • women and girls with disability
  • gender diverse people with disability.

You can find out more about how WWDA works on the WWDA website.