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On this page, we talk about dating.

We focus on:

  • what dating is
  • how to stay safe when you are dating
  • what dating is like for a person with disability.

What dating looks like

Dating is a type of people can have.

Your relationship with someone is how you are connected to them.

Dating is when people have a

A romantic relationship is a very close relationship you have with another person.

You might do fun things together.

For example, you might:

  • see a movie
  • have dinner together.

People in romantic relationships might want to have sex.

But you do not need to have sex in your romantic relationship if you do not want to.

You might want to start dating for lots of different reasons.

You might want to:

  • have fun and meet people
  • have sex with someone
  • fall in love.

Dating can make many people feel stressed or scared.

You might feel that you do not know how to have a romantic relationship with someone.

But everyone deserves:

  • love
  • fun
  • pleasure.

How to keep yourself safe

When you start dating, you might not know the other person very well.

You might not trust them yet.

There are ways to stay safe when you start dating someone.

You do not need to tell them:

  • your full name
  • where you live.

The first few times you meet the person, it is a good idea to go somewhere:

  • in public
  • where you will feel comfortable.

Tell a friend or family member:

  • where you will be
  • who you will be with.

It is up to you what you feel comfortable to share with the person.

For example, you do not need to send them any photos of you or your body.

You do not have to keep dating someone if you feel like something is wrong.

Especially if they make you feel uncomfortable.

Dating after you have experienced violence or abuse

Dating can be hard if you have experienced in a past romantic relationship.

Violence or abuse is when someone:

  • hurts you
  • scares you
  • controls you.

You might feel like you cannot trust anyone.

It is okay to feel nervous.

You do not have to start dating right after a romantic relationship has ended.

Especially if you experienced violence or abuse in that relationship.

You need to make sure you have a plan to keep:

  • yourself safe
  • your family safe.

Before you start dating again, it is a good idea to:

  • spend time with your friends and family
  • care for yourself.

You can find out more on our page about caring for yourself.

You can get to talk about the violence or abuse you experienced.

Counselling is when you work with someone to explore how you think and feel.

This can help you:

  • reach goals
  • feel safe
  • learn skills
  • understand what happened to you.

Counselling can help you to:

  • trust yourself
  • feel more

    When you are confident, you:

    • believe in yourself
    • know what you can do
    • can try new things.

Counselling can also help you learn what a healthy relationship should:

  • look like
  • feel like.

You can also talk to other people in your life about healthy relationships.

You can find out more on our page about healthy relationships.

Dating as a person with disability

Dating can feel hard for many people with disability.

People might treat you unfairly because of your disability.

But you should be able to enjoy dating, just like everyone else.

Always remember that there are many great parts to who you are.

We have some tips to help you if you would like to start dating.

It is a good idea to try to feel confident when you start dating.

To do this, focus on the things you love about yourself.

This will help other people notice them too.

Make sure you have people who can be there to support you.

For example, your friends and family.

They can:

  • give you advice
  • listen to your stories
  • be excited for you.

You should not let anyone treat you badly.

This includes:

  • online
  • in person.

Remember that if anyone treats you badly in public, you can just leave.

Someone might treat you badly on a dating app or website.

If they do, you should:

  • stop talking to them
  • block them so they cannot talk to you anymore.

You can also share their messages with the dating app or website.

When you feel comfortable, you can talk to the person you are dating about your disability.

This can help you find out how they feel about it.

You can tell them about:

  • what your life is like
  • any that you face.

    A barrier is something that stops you from doing something you:

    • need to do
    • want to do.

You should also think about how the person you are dating behaves when you:

  • face a barrier
  • need their support.

You might not want to keep dating them if they do not behave well.

If you want to have sex, it is important to know:

  • what safe sex is
  • how to have safe sex.

For example, how to:

  • stay healthy
  • decide if you want to be pregnant.

You can talk to your doctor if you have questions about having safe sex.

It is also important to remember to have fun when you are dating.

You deserve to:

  • have fun
  • find a relationship that makes you happy.