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On this page, we talk about

Your relationship with someone is how you are connected to them.

What relationships are

A relationship is how you are connected to another person in your life.

You can have different types of relationships.

Your relationships might be like the ones you see other people having.

Or your relationships might be different.

You have relationships with your:

  • friends
  • family members
  • partners, like boyfriends or girlfriends.

You also have relationships with the people you:

  • work with
  • live with
  • meet online.

You can get support to connect with the community if you want new relationships in your life.

For example, if you feel lonely.

You can find out more on our page about connecting with the community.

Sexual and romantic relationships

One type of relationship you can have is a

A romantic relationship is a very close relationship you have with another person.

Romantic relationships can also be sexual relationships.

But they do not have to be.

You might want to have a sexual or romantic relationship with a partner who is:

  • the same as you

    Your gender is what you feel and understand about who you are as a person.

    You might think of yourself as a man or woman or something different.

    You can choose the words that are right for you.

  • a different gender to you.

You might want to have a sexual or romantic relationship with more than one partner.

You and a partner might both decide you want to take part in sexual activities with other people.

For example, with other couples.

You might want to have a sexual relationship with someone.

But you do not want a romantic relationship with them.

It is always a good idea to communicate with the people around you about what type of relationship you want to have with them.

If a relationship is important to you, it is worth celebrating.

It should not matter if your relationships look different to other people’s relationships.

What matters is what these relationships mean to you.

How to know if your relationship is healthy

You will know your relationship is healthy when you and the other person:

  • trust each other
  • respect each other
  • tell the truth.

You will know your relationship is healthy when you and the other person can support each other when you need it.

You will know your relationship is healthy when you and the other person are okay to spend time:

  • on your own
  • together.

You will also know your relationship is healthy when you and the other person both feel good.

You can find out more on our page about healthy relationships.