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How your mind and body might change as you grow

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On this page, we talk about how your mind and body might change as you grow.

Growing older

Your mind and body will change as you grow older.

And every part of life is different.

Everyone experiences life in different ways.

Your mind and body might change in ways that are very different to other people you know.

This could include if you:

  • have a disability
  • are

    A gender diverse person is someone:

    • who feels like they do not fit the idea of being a man or a woman
    • whose gender given to them when they were born does not match the gender they are.

Sometimes life can feel good.

And other times it can be hard.

But every part of your life makes up who you are.

It can help to:

  • think about what experiences you have already had in your life
  • be open to how your life could change.

Being a teenager

When you are a teenager you will experience

Puberty is when you change from being a child into a young adult.

It is a part of life as you grow up.

Your mind and body can change a lot during puberty.

For example, you might:

  • grow more hair on your body
  • feel upset more often.

It can be scary to experience puberty.

It can affect:

  • how you feel about your body
  • how much you believe in yourself.

You might:

  • grow a lot in a short amount of time
  • start

    Menstruation is a kind of bleeding from the vagina that usually happens once a month.

    People also call it a period.

    Once you start having a period, you can get pregnant when you have sex.

People experience puberty:

  • in different ways
  • at different times.

And your experience of puberty might be different if you are:

  • someone with disability
  • gender diverse.

Being a young adult

When you are a young adult, you might explore who you are.

You might also work to become more

When you are independent, you can do things:

  • for yourself
  • on your own.

You might start making decisions about:

  • your work
  • what you care about
  • your

    Your relationship with someone is how you are connected to them.

You will probably discover new and exciting things.

But you might also experience new problems.

For example, you might experience

Discrimination is when people or services treat you unfairly because of a part of who you are.

You might also experience problems because:

  • you do not understand someone else
  • someone else does not understand you.

You might feel like you have to do things because lots of other people are doing them.

But it is more important to do the things that you want to do.

And remember that it is your life.

It is a good idea to find people that:

  • you like being around
  • care about the same things that you do.

It is also important to be kind to yourself.

And try to be open to new experiences.

Being an adult

When you are an adult, you might want to feel more certain about:

  • what your life will be like
  • that your life will not change.

You might feel upset that your life is different from other people’s lives.

Or that it is not what you wanted it to be.

For example, you might want a:

  • home
  • partner, like a boyfriend or girlfriend
  • Your career is the path you take in the area of work you choose.

But many people do not want to have these things.

And they still really enjoy their lives.

Whatever is happening in your life, remember that it is important to:

  • find pleasure in your life
  • feel connected to the people around you
  • do what is important to you.


When people reach a certain age, their menstruation stops.

This is called

Menopause is when you stop having your period.

Most people go through menopause when they are between 45 and 55 years old.

Research has found that people with can go through menopause earlier than other people.

An intellectual disability affects how you:

  • learn new things
  • solve problems
  • communicate
  • do things on your own.

Research has also found that people with can go through menopause even earlier.

Down syndrome affects how you grow and think.

Menopause can affect:

  • how you feel day-to-day
  • any health conditions you have
  • how you feel about your body
  • your relationships.

You can get support for menopause from your doctor.

Some people can experience when they go through menopause.

Violence or abuse is when someone:

  • hurts you
  • scares you
  • controls you.

For example, from their partner.

It is important to know that violence or abuse is never okay.

You can find out more on our page about staying safe.

Being an older person

When you are an older person, you might think more about what has happened in your life.

Your health might change.

You might decide to:

  • stop working.
  • spend more time with your family and community.

You might think more about:

  • what you have achieved
  • the problems you were able to deal with.

Getting support

Life can be hard.

It is important to look after yourself.

We have information and resources on this website to help you get the support you need.

You can find out more on our page about support.

You can get support through

Counselling is when you work with someone to explore how you think and feel.

  • This can help you:
  • reach goals
  • feel safe
  • learn skills
  • understand what happened to you.

You can find out more on our page about counselling.

You can also get support from people who:

  • are like you
  • have had similar experiences to you.

We call this ‘peer support’.

You can find out more on our page about support for sexuality.

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