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Managing violence or abuse in the community

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On this page, we talk about how you can manage when you are out in the community.

Violence or abuse is when someone:

  • hurts you
  • scares you
  • controls you.

Why people use violence or abuse in the community

The person you support might use violence or abuse in public.

There are things you can do to help keep everyone safe.

Sometimes people can feel angry or frustrated.

And they cannot control these feelings when they are out in the community.

Some people can find it hard to communicate.

So they might use violence or abuse to try and tell you:

  • what they want
  • what they do not want
  • how they are feeling.

Some people might use violence or abuse to get control.

For example, if they:

  • do not want to do something
  • cannot have something they want.

Some people might use violence or abuse because they feel:

  • stressed
  • hurt.

There are many different reasons why someone might feel or be hurt.

You can find out more on our page about types of violence and abuse.

Ways you can manage violence or abuse in the community

There are different ways you can manage violence or abuse:

  • from the person you support
  • when it happens in the community.

It is important to know that it is never okay for you to use violence or abuse.

This includes when you respond to violence or abuse from the person you support.

Make a plan

You can make a plan to leave a place safely when the person starts to use violence or abuse.

For example, you could plan to bring someone with you when you might need extra support.

You can also make a plan for what you will say to people who see the violence or abuse when you are in the community.

For example, you could explain that your daughter:

  • has a disability
  • will calm down if everyone gives her space.

You might feel very unsafe when the person you support uses violence or abuse.

If this happens, you should make a plan to know:

  • where you will go
  • what you will say
  • who can support you.

Try to understand why the violence or abuse happens

You could think about what makes the person start to use violence or abuse.

And what they might be trying to tell you.

For example, the violence or abuse could start:

  • at the end of an activity
  • when the person is hungry or thirsty
  • at certain times of the day.

This could help you understand why the person starts to use violence or abuse.

And what you could do to stop it from happening.

Teach the person

You can try to teach the person that violence or abuse is not okay.

For example, you can tell the person that it is against the law.

You can also teach the person that they will not get control by using violence or abuse.

For example, do not give them something they want when they start to use violence or abuse.

You can teach the person ways to manage their feelings better.

And you can reward them when they do this well.

You can try to help the person by managing your own feelings.

For example, if you are calm it can help them stay calm too.

You can find out more about helping someone manage their feelings on the WWDA website.

Find mental heath support

The Black Dog Institute has a tool that can help people with some disabilities manage their:

  • thoughts
  • feelings.

You can visit the Black Dog Institute website to find out more.

Ways to take care of yourself

When the person you support uses violence or abuse in the community, it is normal to feel:

  • embarrassed that people might think it is your fault
  • scared that someone might get hurt
  • worried you will get in trouble
  • angry at the person.

You need to make sure you:

  • ask for support when you need it
  • make a plan to stay safe
  • take care of your wellbeing.

Getting support

You can get support from people who:

  • are like you
  • have had similar experiences to you.

We call this ‘peer support’.

You can visit the Career Gateway website to find out more.

It is also important to take care of your wellbeing.

For example, eating well and exercising.

You can also find out more on our page about wellbeing.