On this page, we talk about
Microaggressions are small ways that people treat someone unfairly because of who they are.
For example, they might use certain words to talk about disability that are not okay.
There is support available if the information on this page upsets you.
You can find out more on our page about support.
What microaggressions are
Microaggressions are a form of
Discrimination is when people or services treat you unfairly because of a part of who you are.
People can sometimes treat other people unfairly in a way that is easy to notice.
For example, they might:
- insult the other person
- hurt them.
But microaggressions are often hard to notice.
And they can seem like small things.
For example:
- jokes about your disability
- questions that make you feel uncomfortable.
Microaggressions can focus on your:
- disability
- race
Your gender is what you feel and understand about who you are as a person.
You might think of yourself as a man or woman or something different.
You can choose the words that are right for you.
They can also focus on your:
- age
- background
Your sexuality includes:
- who you are attracted to
- the sexual feelings and thoughts you have
- the sexual activities you want to do.
Anyone can use microaggressions.
For example, a:
- friend
- family member
- support worker.
They can happen:
- in person
- online.
People who use microaggressions might not know that they are hurting you.
Or they might pretend that what they say or do should not hurt you.
Examples of microaggressions
We wrote some examples of microaggressions to help you understand what they are.
You can skip this section if it upsets you.
Someone might:
- treat you like a child
- pretend that you do not have a disability
- ask if you need help to do something that you can do by yourself.
Someone might say that your experience or your disability should not affect you the way it does.
For example, they might say that everyone experiences sometimes.
Depression can be a serious mental health problem.
If you have depression, you feel very bad most of the time.
Sometimes microaggressions can seem like a nice thing that someone is saying about you.
Even though it makes you feel bad.
For example, someone might say that you:
- do something really well even though you have a disability
- are brave because you have a disability.
They might also say that you:
- do not look like a person with disability
- should not use the word ‘disability’ to describe yourself.
Someone might use certain words to talk about your disability that are not okay.
Someone might tell you that it is too hard to make something for you.
When something is accessible, it is easy to:
- find and use
- move around.
The organisation you work for might not make sure that it is accessible.
For example, they might use ramps that are too steep.
Someone might speak to your support worker instead of you.
They might do this even though you are with them.
How microaggressions can affect you
Microaggressions can cause:
- stress
- depression.
They can also cause:
- headaches
Trauma is the way you feel about something bad that happened to you.
For example, you might feel scared or stressed.
Trauma can affect you for a long time.
If you experience microaggressions, it can:
- make it hard to sleep
- make you feel alone
- affect how you work.
You might feel that you do not belong:
- at work
- at school
- in the community.
Researchers are still learning how microaggressions can affect people.
You can find out more about this research on the National Centre for Biotechnology Information website.
What you can do
There are things you can do when someone uses microaggressions.
You can ask the person to explain what they said.
And you can tell them how it hurt you.
This can help them understand what they have done.
You can tell someone else about what happened.
For example:
- your manager
- a family member
- a friend
- a mental health professional.
You can also ask someone else to talk to the person for you.
You can ask your workplace to give staff training about:
- microaggressions
creating an
When something is inclusive, everyone:
- can take part
- feels like they belong.
It is okay if you do not want to talk to the person using microaggressions.
For example, because you feel:
- angry
- that it would be too much work.
Sometimes saying nothing is the safest thing you can do.
It is important to remember that everyone can make mistakes.
And someone who has used a microaggression might not have done it on purpose.
Having conversations about microaggressions can be hard, but it can help to make:
- the community more inclusive
- everyone feel safer.
What you can do
It is never your fault if you have experienced the bad behaviour we talk about on this page.
We are sorry that this has happened to you.
The first thing you should do is make sure you are safe.
If you or someone you know is in danger, call Triple Zero.
We have a section on this website about how to call Triple Zero.
You can find out more on our page about a guide to call Triple Zero.
You can contact 1800RESPECT for support.
You can call them.
1800 737 732
You can talk to someone online.
You can send them a text message.
0458 737 732
If you send them a text message, you can just send the word ‘HELLO’.
You can leave your partner if this is where you are experiencing the bad behaviour.
For example, your boyfriend or girlfriend.
You can find out more on our page about how to be safe when you leave a relationship.
If you are not ready to leave your partner, you can still make a plan about how to be safe.
You can find out more on our page about when you are not ready to leave a relationship.
You can get support from your friends and family.
It is a good idea to tell them:
- what they can do to help you
- to focus on what you need to feel safe.
You can keep proof of the person’s bad behaviour if it safe for you to do so.
You can give this proof to the police if you decide to contact them.
You can start to manage your own money so you can leave if or when you want to.
You can find out more on our page about managing your own money.
You can share what is happening to a government organisation.
For example, the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC).
AHRC is an organisation that makes sure people treat others:
- fairly
- equally.
You can call a helpline.
Helplines are phone numbers that will connect you to people who:
- care about what you are going through
- can give you good advice.
We have a list of helplines on our website.
You can find out more on our page about helplines.
You can work with someone to explore how you think and feel.
This can help you:
- reach goals
- feel safe
- learn skills
- understand what happened to you.
You can find out more on our page about counselling.
You can learn more about the rules about how people must treat you:
- fairly
- equally.
You can find out more on our page about your rights.
You can think about what you can do to care for yourself.
You can find out more on our page about caring for yourself.
You might have experienced the bad behaviour from someone who did a service for you.
For example, from:
- a health professional
- someone who cleaned your house.
You can talk to the person who organises your services if this has happened to you.