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Supporting children and young people

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On this page, we talk about supporting children and young people who experience

Violence or abuse is when someone:

  • hurts you
  • scares you
  • controls you.

There is support available if the information on this page upsets you.

You can find out more on our page about support.

How violence or abuse affects children and young people

Children and young people can experience violence or abuse when:

  • it happens to them
  • they hear it or see it.

Violence or abuse can make children and young people feel:

  • unsafe
  • scared
  • worried
  • sad.

When children and young people experience violence or abuse, they can also react in different ways.

Children and young people might:

  • try to stop the violence or abuse and put themselves in danger
  • blame themselves for the violence or abuse
  • have problems at school or work
  • run away from home.

Children and young people might also:

  • use drugs or alcohol
  • stop eating
  • have problems sleeping or talking.

Children and young people might also try to end their own life.

If the violence or abuse happens for a long time, some children and young people might start to think that it is okay.

They might think that they can treat people with violence or abuse too.

How to support children and young people

There are many ways that you can support children or young people who see violence or abuse happening.

You can talk to children and young people and tell them:

  • they should not put themselves in danger
  • the violence or abuse is not their fault
  • they have people who care about them
  • they have support around them.

You can also remind them that:

  • they need to talk to people with respect
  • they cannot fix problems with violence or abuse.

You can support children and young people by helping them plan what to do when the violence or abuse happens.

For example, work out how they can get out of the house quickly when the violence or abuse is happening.

You can also help them choose:

  • who they can call if something bad happens
  • a safe place to go, such as a neighbour or friend’s house.

Children and young people can also contact Kids Helpline.

Kids Helpline is a phone counselling service that is open:

  • 24 hours a day
  • 7 days a week.

You can call them.

1800 55 1800

You can visit the Kids Helpline website for more information.