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How to support someone in a safe way

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On this page, we talk about how you can support someone who is experiencing

Violence or abuse is when someone:

  • hurts you
  • scares you
  • controls you.

We explain how you can provide support in a safe way.

There is support available if the information on this page upsets you.

You can find out more on our page about support.

How you can support someone in a safe way

There are different ways that you can safely support someone who is experiencing violence or abuse.

You can ask the person to talk to their friends or family about what is happening.

You can tell the person about services they can contact for support.

For example, a helpline.

Helplines are phone numbers that will connect you to people who:

  • care about what you are going through
  • can give you good advice.

We have a list of helplines on our website.

You can find out more on our page about elplines.

The person might be experiencing violence or abuse from their partner, like a boyfriend or girlfriend.

But the person might not be ready to leave their partner.

You can share information with the person about how they can make a plan to be safe.

You can find out more on our page about when you are not ready to leave a relationship.

You can talk to the person about how they can take control of their money.

You can find out more on our page about managing your own money.

You can help the person think of different ways to become safer from the violence or abuse.

You can also give the person information about their to live without violence or abuse.

Rights are rules about how people must treat you:

  • fairly
  • equally.

You can find out more on our page about speaking up for yourself.

You can also talk to the person about ways to take care of their wellbeing.

You can find out more on our page about wellbeing.

How you can talk to someone in a safe way

It is a good idea to make sure you are somewhere safe and quiet when you talk to someone experiencing violence or abuse.

If you text them, you should make sure that the person who has hurt them does not check their messages.

You can tell the person experiencing violence or abuse that you:

  • care about them
  • want to listen to them
  • want to support them.

You can let the person know that you are safe to talk to.

But it is also okay if they do not want to share what is happening.

It is also a good idea to tell the person that the violence or abuse is not their fault.

What you should not do

You should never make the person feel like the violence or abuse is their fault.

Sometimes the person using violence or abuse will blame:

  • drugs and alcohol
  • mental illness.

You should never say that the violence or abuse is okay because of these things.

You should not talk badly about the person using violence or abuse.

You should focus on talking about how you can support the person experiencing violence or abuse.

You might feel confused that someone would stay in a where they experience violence or abuse.

Your relationship with someone is how you are connected to them.

But sometimes leaving is not that easy.

You should never tell someone they should leave.

It is a good idea to support their decisions and help them feel more

When you are confident, you:

  • believe in yourself
  • know what you can do
  • can try new things.