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Physical violence or abuse

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On this page, we talk about physical

Violence and abuse is when someone:

  • hurts you
  • scares you
  • controls you.

We call it physical violence and abuse if someone:

  • hurts your body
  • takes away your control of your body.

We have information and resources on this website to help you get the support you need.

You can find out more on our page about support.

What physical violence and abuse is

Physical violence and abuse is when someone hurts your body.

It might happen with a weapon, like a knife.

It might also include:

  • taking away equipment you need to live your daily life, like a wheelchair
  • controlling when you can use equipment you need for your daily life.

Physical violence and abuse is also when someone might:

  • hold your body so you cannot move
  • kick your body
  • force you to take medicine you do not want to take.

Who can experience physical violence and abuse

1 in 3 Australian women said they had experienced physical violence or abuse since they were 15 years old.

Women with disability are more likely than other women to experience physical violence or abuse from their partner.

Where physical violence and abuse can happen

If you are a woman, you might experience physical violence or abuse from:

  • someone you know
  • a stranger.

Physical violence and abuse can happen:

  • in your home
  • in the community
  • where you work
  • at your school.

What you can do

If you are experienced physical violence and abuse, you might feel:

  • confused
  • scared
  • stressed.

Sometimes, leaving the situation can be hard.

There are steps you can take if you have experienced physical violence or abuse.

We have information and resources on this website to help you get the support you need.

You can find out more on our page about support.

You should take care of yourself.

You can find out more on our page about getting the most out of life.

Example story

We wrote a story to show an example of physical violence or abuse.

The story we wrote is about a person called Sara.

The story and the people in it are not real.

We made them up to explain physical violence or abuse.

Sara’s story

Sara lives with her aunty.

Sometimes, Sara finds it hard to understand what her aunty wants her to do.

Her aunty becomes frustrated with Sara.

One night, Sara did not understand what her aunty wanted her to do.

Her aunty slapped her hard on the back of her head.

Sara fell forward and hit her head on the floor.

What her aunty is doing to Sara is physical violence and abuse.

Sara works with someone who often pinches her very hard on her arm when they work together.

This hurts Sara.

What this person is doing to Sara is physical violence and abuse.